Okay, I realize I probably didn't chose the most appealing theme for this blog. In fact, I probably chose the most unapealing leitmotif for a vegan blog I could have chosen. The alien isn't actually a cuddly teddy bear. The colour black isn't really motivating and the depressing headline creates the impression of me being a melodramatic fanatic.
I clearly failed to create a snuggly, cuddly, feel-good vegan blog in bright colours to promote how happy we vegans are. Epic fail. And that's really sad, because those feel-good blogs are of course more attractive than those angry-angsty-“this world is soooo bad“-blogs. A positive depiction of vegan life is a better advertisment than negativism and criticism.
But this optimism is just not my thing. Why? Because the bigger part of mankind is not going to be vegan in near future (not even in remote future). A vegan world is just so unlikely and implausible. The majority of mankind doesn't even think of animals deserving a right to life and physical integrity. They think of animals as „lesser“ bings, not as much worth as humans (Worth to whom? But this deserves a different blogpost.). So, no, no optimism around here.
But with regard to the contents my love for science fiction and veganism fit perfectly together. Science fiction consists after all mostly of utopias, if not dystopias.
- As a vegan in this world, you often feel like an ALIEN. You feel alienated from the rest of the world of omnivores, mainly because people think you're strange. Or an idealistic do-gooder.
- And the vegalien slogan is true: In this world no one cares to hear them, the animals, that are slaughtered to be eaten, worn, applied etc., no one hears them sream. That's why vegans are running around advocating. Not for themselves, but for those who can't defend themselves, who can't advocate.
- Oh...and yes! As a vegan, you definetly feel sometimes like bitching around, especially if you have to listen to stupid comments like „Animals exist to be eaten by humans.“
I hope this is a sufficient explanation. I suppose there are going to be many more articles about life as a vegalien, the media, films, newspaper articles and more. Because you know: The BITCH is back! (I just couldn't resist...)
Btw.: I nearly forgot: The BITCH is actually the alien queen from the movie Aliens. I can only recommend you to watch that movie. But start with the first movie: Alien. Just a recommendation.
Yours sincerely,
- Bitch of Babylon -
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